With TherapyOwl you can simply use the map and select a marker to view the info about a therapist at that location. Click the Go to Profile button to view their profile.
Once there, you can contact them directly to book an appointment or simply learn more about the services they offer.
It's that easy!
At TherapyOwl each listing is manually reviewed before being published to ensure that only the best therapists are shown to you.
With thousands of therapists listed on TherapyOwl across North America, your next therapist is just a few clicks away.
TherapyOwl will use the location you enter and return a list of all the therapists near you.
If you want to adjust the location you are searching for, simply drag the map to your desired location and a new list of nearby therapists will be automatically updated.
Once you've narrowed down the location you are searching for, select any of the markers to read more about the selected therapist.
Click the 'Go to Profile' button to automatically open a new page which offers more information about the selected therapist. You can reach out to them directly from TherapyOwl by using our integrated email form.
Whether you're searching in a densely populated area or a small town, it might be a good idea to narrow your search down to therapists who are specialized in working with exactly what you're looking for.
You can select the specific clinical issue along with the specific clientele type to filter for the type of therapist you are looking for.
If you've found the therapist that you want to reach out to, you can use the 'Email' button on their profile to reach out to them directly. Simply enter your name, email, and a quick message outlining what your needs are and you're all done!
Along with the ability to email the therapist directly, you can book an appointment directly on the therapist page by clicking the 'Book Now' button.
TherapyOwl is a digital health directory focused on improving the health and well-being of communities around the world.
We do this by helping individuals find and connect with practitioners that best suit their needs and preferences.
As those needs change, we'll be ready with a new list of amazing practitioners to guide and care for your wellness needs.